Choose from The Balanced Lifestyle Box, The Balanced Snack Box, The Balanced Pantry Box, or The Balanced Discovery Box. The Balanced Snack Box also has customizations available including original, gluten-free, vegan or keto-friendly.

Choose your box plan. The Balanced Snack Box and The Balanced Pantry Box are available as one-time gifts, month-to-month or 3-month, 6-month or annual plans. The Balanced Lifestyle Box and The Balanced Discovery Box are available as one-time gifts, or as quarterly or annual prepay plans.
Enjoy all the goodies we jam-pack into each box! All boxes start shipping the 4th of each month. New subscribers have between the first and last day of the month/order period to order the following month/season's box. All subscriptions will auto-renew on the 11th of the renewal month/order period.